Tourism & Community Hub – Roch Gate (Former Motel), Roch, Haverfordwest (Consultation Closed)
“Redevelopment of former motel / restaurant site for a mixed commercial and community use including village shop/post office, bistro/takeaway, conference facilities and business units together with new vehicular access, car parking and other highway improvements, landscaping and biodiversity enhancements; change of use of adjacent land to provide tourism development comprising 25 holiday lodges together with parking and landscaping”
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012
In line with the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 prior to the formal submission of a planning application to the Local Planning Authority (“LPA”), the applicant (Newgale Holidays Ltd) is required to undertake a pre-application consultation so that people have the opportunity to provide comments directly to them prior to the submission. It should be noted, however, that following this exercise, and once the planning application is formally submitted to the LPA, representation can still be made directly to the LPA within their consultation period. As with all planning applications any comments submitted may be placed on the public file.
We therefore give notice that Newgale Holidays Ltd is intending to apply for planning permission for the following:
“Redevelopment of former motel / restaurant site for a mixed commercial and community use including village shop/post office, bistro/takeaway, conference facilities and business units together with new vehicular access, car parking and other highway improvements, landscaping and biodiversity enhancements; change of use of adjacent land to provide tourism development comprising 25 holiday lodges together with parking and landscaping”
All relevant documentation (i.e. application, plans, drawings, supporting information) are available to review at the end of this page (via links / pdf downloads).
Anyone who wishes to make representations about this proposed development must do so by the Friday 20th October 2023 (with the formal consultation period commencing on Monday 18th September 2023). Responses should be emailed or posted to Hayston Development & Planning Ltd, details of which are provided below. For ease, a standard response form is also available below to download.
Hayston Developments & Planning Ltd. Planning Studio, Hayston Bridge, Johnston, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA62 3HJ
Tel: 01437 891817 Mobile: 07515 851704
If you do not have internet access then you can contact us directly on 01437 891817 to discuss the proposed development or request a hardcopy of the application.
- Planning-Statement-and-Justification-Report-min.pdf
- Appendix-A-NP-13_0441-Committee-Report-min.pdf
- Appendix-B-Newgale-Holidays-Addendum-to-Preapp-Planning-Application-100923-min.pdf
- Appendix-C-The-Gate-Business-Plan-100923-min.pdf
- Appendix-D-WyndrushWild_RochMotel_BatSurvey_31July23_FINAL-1-min.pdf
- Appendix-D1-WW-Preliminary-Ecological-Assessment-Roch-Gate-Motel-9.2.23-min.pdf
- Appendix-E-min.pdf
- Appendix-F-Design-and-Access-Statement.docx-min.pdf
- Appendix-G-Newgale-Holiday-Environmental-Sustainability-Policy-22.08.23.docx-min.pdf
- G01-LOCATION-PLAN-1_500-min.pdf
- G02-LOCATION-PLAN-1_5000-min.pdf
- G03-SITE-SURVEY-1_500-min.pdf
- G04-SITE-SURVEY-1_1000-min.pdf
- Consultation-Response-Form_English.docx
- Consultation-Response-Form_Welsh.docx
- Planning-application-form-and-certificate-of-Ownership-min.pdf
Get In Touch With Us

Hayston Development and Planning Ltd
The Planning StudioHayston Bridge
Johnston, Haverfordwest
Pembrokeshire, SA62 3HJ